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Diversity, Trust, and Two-way Integration - 2021- 2027

Mobile Futures is a multidisciplinary, action-oriented research project that aims to promote a just and inclusive society by focusing on integration as a trust-based, two-way process. I am associated as a researcher in WP3 which deals with trust in information. My area of ​​research is the information practices of refugees and immigrants, information challenges and their information literacy in social media in this project.

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Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy  - 2022

The purpose of the workshop is to link bibliometric research with research policy, to present the newest bibliometric research in the Nordic countries and beyond, and to create better links between the bibliometric research groups. I am part of organziing committee and working as different tasks such ass, editing, writing and marketing of the workshop with Professor Kim Holmberg and Kristina Eriksson-Backa

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BOBCATSSS 2023: A New Era - Exploring the Possibilities and Expanding the Boundaries

Bobcatsss 2023 will explore the possibilities for services and programming and the expansion of physical and virtual boundaries in this new era for libraries, archives and information services. I am part of organizing and editorial committee of the conference and also assisting in arranging different pannel and sessions. I am working with Professor Jamie Johnston from Oslo Met, Norway, University.

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