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My first-time experience of shut my mobile and other things and focus on writing only!

Last week I attended “Shut up and Write” session at my own Department of Infromation Studies, Åbo Akademi University 9:00 am. I am glad to attend this session, as it was a new concept to me where we all, Professors, PhD students, researchers, sit together in a room and start writing on our manuscripts or other writing tasks related to our job, without interuption of using mobiles, listening calls or checking emails. Only writing and writing! We do sit and concentrate on writing for 2 hours, with 5 minute breaks after every 25 minutes. We did little exercises and straches with our arms and legs in between breaks.The session was chaired by our cheerful supervisor Gunilla Widén. It was lovely experience for me to have my breakfast (Oatmeal with blue berries, banana and peanut butter) on my table and working on my article-writing, away from checking my emails and other chattings. I am sharing the information about “Shut up and Write Session” with all of you, and especially with my student-friends in Pakistan, so that you can propose your teachers about having such sessions to make writings happen by having socialization together with fun.  The “Shut up and Write” sessions have been incorporated in many organizations and universities for working people and reserachers. Link:

In my personal experience, I heard of this session in University of Borås, Sweden where Prof. Annemaree Lloyd had initially introduced the sessions for PhD students and reserachers. She encouraged saying:        "The concept of shut up and write is simple. Academics and PhD students regularly meet together at a designated time and place and simply write in silence without any interruption. The aim is to re-develop and support a culture of writing at work, by providing an opportunity for academic staff and doctoral students to engage with writing practice. Shut up and write has been implemented in many academic institutions and those who have participated have reported finding it valuable, because it provides a regular and dedicated time to write.” Inspried from Annemaree, my Prof. Gunilla Widén has now initiated these sessions in my unviersity Åbo Akademi University. I personally think that we should have these sessions often in our department.  I enjoyed this session but the only thing I am worried about is that: this reserach and writing job has forced me to sit for many hours in one position, which has unfortuantely, caused pain at my back neck and shoulders by sitting in a poor posters or sitting for long time. I have never thought to have a personal physio-therapist in my life ever, but now I have one from my workplace. Hoping to have some sessions to improve my physical health while working. Besides this issue, I am completely enjoying my new job as a PhD researcher at Åbo Akademi University. There is more to experience in future.

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